Reasons why gamer chicks are hot
Have you ever dreamed of having a gamer girlfriend? If you did, you should know that you aren’t alone. Many guys are well aware of how hot gamer chicks can be, and they dream of meeting one in real life. Here are a couple of reasons why being a gamer girl is awesome.
A Gamer Girl Gets It
One of the first attractive things is that she gets it all. You won’t need to explain to her what FPS is or why Bayonetta is a badass. She already knows everything. Playing video games is so much fun, and there are a lot of guys who enjoy it. And with a gamer girlfriend, you get the chance to share your hobbies and interests with another person, which will only increase the fun you both get from it.
Of course, it also means that your girlfriend won’t get mad if you spend a couple of hours playing video games. She knows how fun it can be and how easy it is to get carried away. Even if you organize a gaming party, your girlfriend won’t mind. You can play a few games with your friend, and there is even a chance she’ll join you.
It will make everything even better when you get support and when someone fully understands how you feel and how fun it can be. Needless to say, this doesn’t mean that girls who aren’t gamers are unreasonable. It just gives more understanding and support for your gaming passion.
They Understand Compromise
You probably found yourself in a situation where you’d rather play games than do something else, and that’s fine. The problem is that your girlfriend might not understand how you feel, and it would be quite hard to find a middle ground.
With female gamers, the situation is a bit different. She knows that you can’t win at everything, and she might find a compromise easier. This way, you can postpone meeting her parents (or doing something equally important) to play a few games. She won’t get mad as long as you agree to do it later on in the future.
Naturally, if you postpone an important event, you should always stick to your promise and do it later if it is possible to reschedule. Don’t abuse her understanding and trust, and if you had promised to do it later, keep your word.
Having a girlfriend who is full of understanding is such an important thing, and you should do your best to keep her happy. Avoid letting her down and relying on how she understands how you feel. Just because she is a girl who plays video games, it doesn’t mean that she will be willing to put up with this forever. And she shouldn’t.
They Are Unique Creatures
Gamer chicks are unique. But not just compared to ladies who don’t play games. Each person is different, and everyone has different tastes. And that is what makes them special. There are so many games available today, and each has its audience. That means that each girl might enjoy different things, and it’s always fun to see her preferences.
It is even more exciting when they meet other girls who are into gaming. They will share their experiences, talk about games they love playing, and it is a beautiful thing to see. They will talk about easy ways to farm a boss, make headshots, discover new games, and all the exciting ways to play.
Listening to girls talk about video games, their favorite parts, builds, and everything else seems like a dream for most of the guys out there. You can just sit back and enjoy them talking about stuff you love as well. It is not often boys and girls share similar interests, and it’s one of the reasons why most people find gamer girls incredibly attractive.
The Way They Talk Trash Is Sexy
Boys have experienced trash talking. They do it their entire lives. But for girls, it is a bit different. When they get in the heat of the moment playing video games, their trash talk can be so sexy and cute. It is ridiculous. They know very well how to tilt their opponents, and it’s not rare to hear a girl talk at the end of the match.
Just imagine losing in an online game, being destroyed by the opponent, only to hear them say: “you just got owned by a girl!” It can be so sexy. And sexy gamer girls know that they are special. It just adds more to their confidence and power to destroy the opposition both in-game and verbally.
Just being a part of it is incredible, even if you are on the receiving end. That is why girls get a ton of dating requests, even in video games. The majority of girl gamers play with their mic off since turning it on would cause chaos in the game.
And if you doubt this, try it by yourself. As soon as your teammates hear that you are a girl, you will hear them go crazy.
They Are the Ultimate Homieloverfriend
For the majority of guys out there, gamer girl is a dream come true. They get the entire package. This lady will be their best friend, lover, and teammate. The only thing to worry about is whether their classes are compatible. That is why every guy dreams of having a girlfriend who is also a healer (or a guardian).
Gamer girls are precious. They are rare and incredible. If you manage to find one, keep reminding her how awesome she is. Of course, many people believe that gamer girls are a myth. Just a dream created by lonely guys to keep their hopes alive.
We can tell you for sure that they are real. So, if it happens that you encounter one, try to make her happy. These beings are unique and gorgeous, and we should give our best to let them know that.